Geopathic Stress
Harmful energies from the earth
Geopathology is a science that deals with the study of pathologic (sickening, harmful) energies emitted from the earth that interfere with the healthy functioning of cell metabolism in our body. Geopathic Stress mainly occurs from natural sources, but can be caused, as well, by man-made electro-magnetic devices and applications such as cell phones, computers, power lines, etc.
European Science has researched this topic for nearly a century and provides important insights about the significance on longterm and chronic health challenges.
Types of Geopathic Stress
The basic three types of naturally occurring Geopathic Stress are underground watercourses, earth grid systems and geologic anomalies or earth fractures.
- Underground water courses (or water veins) emit an energy that is draining our body’s bioenergetic field and can be harmful if a person is spending long periods of time above those areas. It makes no difference how deep the water is down in the earth or how many floors a person lives above ground. Even on the 20th floor of an apartment building the effect can be clearly felt, sometimes even stronger due to the enhancement of iron in reinforced concrete in the ceilings.
If your bed happens to be right over an underground water stream, your sleep will likely be affected. It might take you a long time to fall asleep or you’ll toss and turn all night. Waking up between 2 and 3am is typical, too, since Geopathic Stress reaches a maximum at this time of the night, especially with full moon. Getting out of bed in the morning then feels impossible. Babies and small children often fall out of their beds instinctively trying to avoid the Geopathic drain. They wake up several times at night or come into their parents’ bed. - Earth grid systems consist of straight lines or paths of Geopathic energy. In fact they are more like energetic walls, go deep into the earth, but also reach miles above the surface. They are referred to as “cubic” because they are three-dimensional.
For example, the Benker-grid is a 10 x 10 m (about 30 x 30 ft) grid, which means the distance between 2 grid lines is about 30 ft. The line itself has a thickness of 8 -12 inches. Dimensions and intensities can vary dependent on geographic latitude and the specific location. Earth grid systems have been studied extensively over the last century. They are often named after their discoverer, the Hartmann-grid after Ernst Hartmann, MD, or the Curry-grid after Manfred Curry, MD).
Find an overview below of the various grid systems and their dimensions. - Geologic fractures are naturally occurring earth faultlines, but can also be caused by blasting or quarrying. Vortexes, an irregular type of geologic energy, are considered in this category, too.

Here are the most important types of earth grids that have been found and documented over the past decades. Dowsers locate these lines by using tools that help them respond to the earth energies.
Three-dimensional grid systems, typically oriented North-South and East-West
- 2 ½ x 2 Meter Grid (8 ½ x 6 ½ ft.) or Hartmann-Grid first described by Ernst Hartmann, M.D., fits exactly 4 x 5 times into the 10 Meter structure.
- 10 x 10 Meter Grid (30 x 30 ft.) or Benker-Grid named after Anton Benker, a German dowser from Bavaria.
- 170 x 170 Meter Grid (550 x 550 ft.) carries a specific energy similar to that of underground watercourses.
- 250 x 250 Meter Grid (800 x 800 ft.) carries the strongest negative energy, sometimes 18 – 24 inches wide.
- 400 x 400 Meter Grid (1,300 x 1,300 ft.) with secondary lines 100 feet off the sides of the main structure.
- 3.6 x 3.6 Meter diagonal Grid (12 x 12 ft.) or Curry-Grid, named after Manfred Curry, M.D.
Floorplan evaluation with underground water and an earth grid
A typical floorplan with superimposed Geopathic Stress zones indicating a Benker grid(green) and an underground water stream (blue).

Short evaluation:
Pos 1: masterbed touches the grid only slightly, mostly o.k.
Pos 2: child’s bed needs attention, badly effected,
Pos 3&4: living room, chair (3) and sofa (4) should be moved.
Pos 5: kitchen is kind of o.k., as the time spent there is limited, avoid the seat on the right bench, if possible.
Geopathology throughout history
The idea that some spots on the earth were better than others for people to live has been around for thousands of years. In fact, the ancient practice of Feng Shui has a lot more to do with finding an energetically optimal place to build a home than with where to hang wind chimes, place a mirror, or set a pair of porcelain love birds to enhance the “relationship corner”.
Old European traditions still describe scenarios where a herd of sheep was observed before a house was built. The spot where the sheep bedded down for the night would be the best area, specifically for the master bedroom, as it was free of Geopathic Stress.
The first notable study in recent history was conducted by Gustav Freiherr von Pohl, a German aristocrat, in 1929. Freiherr von Pohl conducted an experiment where he dowsed a whole small town, Vilbisburg, for Geopathic Stress. He was accompanied by a policeman to insure that he did not ask questions of the town inhabitants. The results were then taken to the town mayor who compared the results with the town doctors’ records of patients with cancer over the previous several years. The results produced a 100% correlation between cancer and Geopathic Stress. The experiment was repeated in larger and smaller towns with always the same results – 100% correlation. Naturally, those involved thought they had found a cure for cancer, but unfortunately, WW2 broke out, and the academics scattered and the knowledge was lost – for some time.
Recent Studies
A seven year study (1988-1995) in Germany conducted by Andreas Kopschina and Ursula & Wolfgang Daun, involving 8200 patients, measured the ability of patients to recover from chronic illness, regardless of the type of conventional or integrative therapy. 34% of patients were exposed to significant levels of Geopathic Stress. The study showed that until a person was taken off the Geopathic structure, their capacity to heal was greatly impaired.
Ulrike Banis, MD, ND, author of “Geopathic Stress – and What You Can Do About It”, has integrated the knowledge of Geopathic Stress into her medical practice with categorical success. From her former stance as a staunch skeptic she now reports, “…but my experience – being a medical professional myself – is that at least 30% of all chronic medical conditions are derived from this cause – or to put it differently, our patients would be, on average, 30% healthier if we manage to find good sleeping places for everyone.”
Dr. Banis uses dowsing to identify areas of Geopathic Stress for her patients. She recommends patients move their sleeping place to an area free of Geopathic Stress zones. She then prescribes homeopathic remedies to detox the body of the charge Geopathic Stress causes in a person’s energy field.
More information on Geopathology
Find more information on
“What Impact does Geopathic Stress have on Health and Well-Being?” Ulrike Banis, MD, ND
Read more (PDF) >>>
“Erdstrahlen als Krankheitserreger”
by Gustav Freiherr von Pohl
“The Complete Feng Shui Health Handbook”
by Wilhelm Gerstung and Jens Mehlhase
“Geopathic stress – and what you can do about it”
by Ulrike Banis, MD
“Earth Radiation”
by Kathe Bachler