Home Harmonizer

The Home Harmonizer is the trusted tool for buildings and apartments of all sizes up to several floors to neutralize Geopathic Stress, reduce EMFs, and balance numerous Feng Shui challenges.
Its sterling silver core allows extended shielding against Geopathic Stress (above undergound waterveins, earth fault lines and in cubic grid systems), harmonizing external electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) and stress from microwave antennas and close transformers and serves as a tool to strengthen the biofield/aura of a building.
The Home Harmonizer balances difficult Feng Shui situations such as sharp corners, energy drains due to staircases, bathrooms, beams, slanted ceilings, etc) and supports a site against the influences from close neighbors and neighbor buildings.
Standard Features
- Standard device for buildings of all sizes up to several floors, also townhouses and apartments
- The 5th generation of Space Harmonizers and more than 20 years of experience in protection your home
- Sterling silver core for extended program functions
- 100% Geopathic Stress protection
- 100% protection against stress above underground waterveins
- 100% protection from earth fault lines and grid systems (Hartmann grid, Benker grid, Curry grid, 250 meter and 400 meter systems, Moon stripes)
- EMF protection from outside (such as antennas and transformers) up to 70% – for best results combine with PRO Pendants and E-Smog Harmonizers
Extended unique Features:
- Increases the overall Chi of a building and property
- Holds space and boundaries against close neighbors, especially important in townhouses, multi units and apartments
- Balances many Feng Shui challenges (missing areas, sharp corners, ceiling beams, steep staircases, slanted ceilings, etc.)
- Harmonizes split levels and irregular shapes of building and property
The Home Harmonizer is used vertically flat on a wall with a tiny nail (enclosed) about 1 – 1 1/2 ft from the ceiling and should not be covered with a picture or curtain. Do not place it above a shelf or close to a mirror and allow some empty wall space around it.
Although the Harmonizer works in many places throughout a house, finding the optimal position allows maximum performance and effectiveness. If you are familiar with energy testing such as kinesiology or dowsing, test for the most beneficial place in your home. First identify the most beneficial floor level, then the best room on this floor and finally the optimal wall in this room.
We also assist you with locating the ideal spot. Please email us a picture of your floor plan (or a simple sketch of one) and a picture of the outside of the building (streetview).
The Home Harmonizer does not pick up negative energies. However, if the silver piece looks tarnished please clean and polished it with the enclosed jewelry wipe or any other silver polish. This will ensure its maximum performance.
The Home Harmonizer is automatically updated over distance if new additional features are made available. You do not need to physically send it back to us.
Testimonials Home Harmonizer
I noticed a new sense of ease in my body within hours of hanging the Home Harmonizer (HH) in place, even before going to bed. As I’ve mentioned, I purchased the plaque especially with the hopes of it helping me feel less stimulated while trying to sleep at night. That very first night I found a dramatic change already: I was able to fall asleep readily and slept more deeply. I also felt a refreshingly new sense of ease, peace and serenity on awakening the following morning that I don’t remember feeling in my body for, likely, decades. Knowing now the contrast with and without the HH I keep asking myself why I didn’t get it sooner, when it was first recommended to me almost a year ago: I could have been that much more productive in my daily activities for all that time had I been more rested the way I am now. The product speaks for itself – in my case, rather immediately. Thank you!
Rosemary N., Ontario, Canada
It’s been a little over a year since we’ve installed the Home Harmonizer I purchased from you. I believe we have reaped many rewards, especially health wise. My husband was having painful neck issues and I myself had digestive problems. All of this vanished after installing our Harmonizer. Thank you so much for making the Home Harmonizer available to us!
Joy Q., Merrillville, IN
In the 2 weeks since we put up the Home Harmonizer – my husband doesn’t wake up with headaches in the morning and I have a feeling of calm and protection when I enter the house; we were having some ants in the veranda – and I see that their number decreased.
Anne-Marie P., Quebec, Canada
As you know I have quite a challenging energy situation in my new home. A few minutes ago I took the golden Home&Business Harmonizer off the wall to see what would happen. Honestly, right away I felt pressure in my head and my heart started beating weird. I really could feel a dramatic difference. As soon as the Harmonizer is down I have this strange sensation of energy being imbalanced around my head and my left ear is clogged, yet at the same time, it’s ringing. I am going to put the Harmonizer back on tonight because I have a busy day tomorrow. I need to rest well. Over the next weekend I can do some more testing… Interesting stuff.
Micheila Sheldan, Intuitive Channel, Detroit, MI – www.MicheilaSheldan.com
The Home Harmonizer is working wonderfully with the noise issues I had with the close railroad in my backyard and the low flying airplanes. I feel the vibration, but it no longer rattles or affects me emotionally and energetically. It’s incredible. I wish I had bought the Harmonizer years ago, but it seems my journey was to actually learn all these things myself. Thank you so much!
Anne M., Boston, MA
Werner is meticulous about every aspect of his consulting process and has helped our family immensely. I can feel a big difference since we installed a Harmonizer in our house. We sleep better and the entire place feels more peaceful and calm. In addition, we recently had one of our German doctors test the PRO pendant we had got for our ill daughter. The doctor was very impressed and said that it was superb to other devices he had recommended to his patients in the past. I highly recommend Werner’s work for anyone with health concerns or frankly anyone looking to live a more health conscious life.
G. H., Newbury
… My husband was away when the products arrived. I immediately put the Home Harmonizer up where you had suggested. The next morning after my husband’s arrival back home he said, “Gee, I don’t know why, but I woke up this morning with such a feeling of well-being, and I have no anxiety like I do every morning.” I would also like to share that I am very sensitive to energies and that to be near computers or phones makes my head feel crazy. However, wearing my PRO pendant I could actually feel the energy of the computer being pushed away from me. In addition I have tremendous feeling of calm and well-being.
Joanne H., Canada, Reiki practitioner
“I received the HOME HARMONIZER today. Here are the things I’ve noticed within the first hours after installing:
- Moon stripes totally gone! (They woke me up around 4:30 am for years…)
- Geopathic Stress from a 400 meter earth grid system located in 2 places in home is gone.
- Microwaves, radio waves, wireless router energies are all gone!!
- House shape is a split level with a garage T to home. Energy imbalances of these irregularities corrected.
- Unhealthy energy acceleration due to a straight hallway – corrected
- Energy deficiencies from different arrangements of furniture, pictures, etc. – all corrected
- Negative energy accumulated during the day in the house – gone within 3 minutes
- Energy levels of people in the house are up 140% in 1 1/2 hrs
- Positive Chi in home has increased by 5x
I work in a electric generating plant as superintendent and find that a tall tower approx 1 mi away puts out microwaves – this is a much bigger problem for me than the generator and cable EMFs. I have found keeping my cell phone – with the E-SMOG HARMONIZER – in my pocket protects from the microwave tower while at work. At home, the HOME HARMONIZER, takes care of it. Thank you for your quality products!”
John R., MI
“The day the Home Harmonizer arrived, I quickly put it up because I was leaving town. When I returned 3 days later, the ant infestation that we had continually every summer had disappeared. The house seemed quieter. Usually I have a terrible time staying focused on cleaning up clutter but I found it easy to hold steady on this intention. Things are more settled and feel good since.
I highly recommend your products to clear negative energy. They are amazing! The claims you make on your website are irrefutable to me. Thank you, Werner, for uplifting the energy in my home and helping my health and my husband’s health.”
Sharilyn Stalling, Master of Intuitive Emotional Body Healing, Eureka Springs, AR
“We were so excited when we received the Home Harmonizer. My wife could feel the difference immediately. I am not that sensitive, I must admit. Jonathan, our little one, slept through the night for the first time . Amazing! Cannot believe how much trouble we would have saved ourselves if we had known you earlier. Thanks to our friend Judy who told us about you. Will keep you posted.”
Ruth and John S., Miami, FL
Very good news I wanted to share with you. My son is very sensitive to the energies around him. Since moving into his new dorm room at college this August he had trouble sleeping. Last night he installed the Room Harmonizer and the Crystal Shield and just reported he slept well for the first time. Thank you!
Joann K., MA
Disclaimer: Our products are energetic tools to support body and mind. They are not intended to be a substitute for medical attention in any way. If you have a medical condition or question please contact your health care provider promptly.